Purpose. Passion. Success.
Meet the Pettit Family!
Who They Are.
Jon and Traci live in Decatur, Texas, and have been happily married since 2000. They welcomed their first child, Gunner, on May 27, 2010, and their second child, Lily, on January 12, 2018! The Pettits attend RISE Church and enjoy working in the yard, watching the wildlife that often visits their home and being with family and friends. Jon holds a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) in Criminal Justice from Columbia College. Traci has been a public school teacher in the Irving ISD and Northwest ISD and has taught in the College of Education for both the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of North Texas, where she continues to teach pre-service teachers. She earned a B.S. (Bachelor of Science) from Dallas Baptist University and an M.Ed.T (Master of Education in Teaching) from the University of Texas at Arlington along with an Administrator's Certificate.

So Why Pettit Private School?
Traci's parents, Lane and Dorothy Ladewig, started Kids R Us, a day school in Irving, Texas, in 1988. After 11 successful years - and gearing up for retirement - they sold the school to a wonderful family. Having worked at Kids R Us while growing up, Traci saw the positive impact her mother and staff had on children. At her mother's funeral in 1999, she was blown away by the number of children in attendance who had been loved at Kids R Us. While speaking with them, the most frequent comment was, "We will never forget Mrs. Dorothy!" WOW! What an impression she had made on the lives of so many youngsters! Further, Lane Ladewig was employed with the Irving ISD for over 40 years - working as a teacher, promoting to school administrator then central administrator...whew...finally retiring in June 2011! To this day, people comment what an excellent teacher, principal, boss he was! Traci has been fortunate to have parents who were leaders in the field of education. What an awesome example she has to follow!
Traci's Vision.
Having a school of her own has been Traci's long-time vision. She is passionate about knowledge, the process of learning, literacy, and most importantly, children. Having grown up around young children, been a public school teacher, and currently an instructor of pre-service early childhood and elementary teachers, she understands the importance of the period we call "childhood" and the "building blocks" of success for the healthy development of the whole child (spiritually, socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically). What she doesn't know, she is determined to learn!
Not to be Served But to Serve.
Both Traci and Jon are public servants; their mission in life is to make a positive difference in others' lives. Being the owners and operators of Pettit Private School will enable them to continue on their mission benefiting the Decatur, Aurora, and surrounding communities.